TechExpo 2015 is a little over a week way – Friday, April 17, 2015 at the Washington Duke Inn. The TechExpo Chairs have been busy for the past couple of months planning and preparing for TechExpo 2015, but we can’t do it alone. We need volunteers to help on the day of the event. Want to be part of the 2015 TechExpo, then volunteer!
We are using a SignUpGenius site for volunteer sign-up. The TechExpo 2015 Volunteer Sign-up site lists the volunteer opportunities that are available. You sign-up via the site for open volunteer slots. Volunteer slots fill as people sign-up. Please sign-up no later than end of business on Monday, April 13, 2015. You may volunteer for as many slots are you want.
General Information:
- You do NOT have to create a SignUpGenius account to sign up to volunteer.
- If you decide to create a SignUpGenius account, the Duke ISO asks that you NOT use your Duke password as the password for the account.
- SignUpGenius sites show ads. If you do not want to see the ads, you can add an ad blocker to your browser. There are free ad blockers available for most browsers.
- There are many volunteer opportunities. Scroll through the list to see them all.
- Plan to be at your station 10 minutes before your shift.
- If you sign-up as a Convener, convener instructions will be sent to you via email before the event.
- Please check-in for your volunteer slot at the Biddle room prior to your shift.
- Volunteers receive TechExpo 2015 Volunteer t-shirts and should wear them during their shift(s). Pick up your shirt when you check-in at the Biddle room prior to your shift.
If you have any questions, click the CONTACT link on the site or send an email message to
To sign up, go to: