2020 Committee Information

Committee Information

Serving on the TechExpo committee is an exciting opportunity. The committee is made up of 2 members for each position – one from Duke University and one from Duke Health:

The one shared requirement for all committee members is to have the willingness to do whatever it takes for a successful TechExpo.

Please welcome the Duke TechExpo 2020 Committee members!


The Chairs are responsible for the overall planning, implementation, and cost control for the yearly Duke TechExpo.

Portrait of Jack D'Ardenne
Jack D’Ardenne, Duke University
Portrait of User without a Portrait image
Lisa Smith, Duke Health

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The A/V Committee is responsible for all things related to audio and visual recording, signage, and presentation requirements.

Portrait of generic user
Sharron Kaiser, Duke Health
Portrait of generic user
Quincy Garbutt, Duke University

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The Communications Committee is responsible for reaching out to the Duke University and Duke Health community with helpful and timely information.

Portrait of Kyle Skrinak
Kyle Skrinak, Duke University
Portrait of Peggy Luu
Peggy Luu, Duke Health

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The Registration Committee is responsible for configuring the Cvent (event management) system, and managing the TechExpo sympa mailing list.

Portrait of Shannon Jones
Shannon Jones, Duke Health
Portrait of unknown user
Debbie Suggs, Duke University

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The Logistics Committee is responsible for coordinating event branding, prize wheel, raffle, and feedback form gifts with vendors.

Portrait of Carol Reaves
Carol Reaves, Duke Health
Portrait of unknown user
David Tremmel, Duke University

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The Program Committee is responsible for reviewing proposal submissions and organizing program sessions.

Portrait of Matt Royal
Matt Royal, Duke University
Portrait of unknown user
Brian Aucoin, Duke Health

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The Vendor Committee is responsible for organizing approved vendors (150+).

Portrait of Katie M. Watkins
Katie M. Watkins, Duke Health
Portrait of unknown user
Sabrina Carr, Duke University

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The Volunteer Committee is responsible for soliciting for volunteers and coordinating the different volunteer positions (65+).

Portrait of Bendte Fagge
Bendte Fagge, Duke University
Portrait of Lisa Phillips
Lisa Phillips, Duke Health

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