To register for TechExpo 2016, or to see session information, please visit our conference web site.
Note: that link is no longer active after the event. We opened the site for registration on Wednesday, March 16, and closed the site April 15th, 2016.
Superheroes, please give us your thoughts about TechExpo 2016
TechExpo 2016 is over, but we need your feedback to continue improving the event.
We know you’ve donned your alter-ego garb and returned to your routines, but the surveying can be done surreptitiously, while you’re at your desk, pretending to be mild-mannered. Everyone who completes an evaluation will be entered into a drawing for a Roku 3.
We’ll be back to you later in the week with links to superhero photos, a recording of the keynote, and so on.