The 10th Duke TechExpo will be on Friday, April 7, at the Washington Duke Inn.
You won’t want to miss it, so mark your calendars for this one-day conference of Duke IT people, by Duke IT people, and for Duke IT people. It’s the best opportunity you have all year to learn about the amazing stuff happening in IT at Duke, to brush up on your skills, and to connect with friends and colleagues across the university and health system.
And, so that we can get a head start on things this year, the call for proposals is already open for your amusement and mental development. Put on your thinking caps, grab your partners in crime, and get to work on proposals for presentations, panel discussions, learning labs and information tables.
You have until Feb. 9 to submit your final proposal, but don’t wait until the last minute! Get in on this deal while supplies last!
As soon as you’re ready, jump over to the Qualtrics form to submit your proposal.
See you there!
The TechExpo 2017 Planning Committee