Duke University and Health System’s yearly cross-campus technical conference by and for Duke’s IT professionals.
2024 Committee
2024 TechExpo Committee
Serving on the TechExpo committee is an exciting opportunity. The committee is made of Duke University, Duke Health, and Medical Education IT technology employees. The one shared requirement for all committee members is to have the willingness to do whatever it takes for a successful TechExpo. The different positions are:
The A/V Committee & Zoom Events addresses all needs related to audio and visual recording, signage, and presentation. In 2021, TechExpo moved from being an on-site to remote event, and the responsibilities for A/V shifted due to this. For 2022 and beyond, the A/V committee may be involved in one or both types of events. For in-person events, the A/V committee has had to coordinate event and parking electronic signage, meet on location to review A/V setup requirements, and support presenter’s A/V needs during the event. For remote events, the A/V committee determined the web conferencing software to be used, create the ‘Run of Show’ plan, and met with presenters and moderators for a walk thru before event day. They also maintain video quality and managed recordings.
Jack D’Ardenne, Duke UniversityTeresa Jennings, Duke University
The Communications Committee provides the Duke University and Duke Health community with helpful and timely information related to TechExpo. This includes updating the TechExpo website and any relevant social media, and sending announcements using existing Duke communication means. The Communications committee is also responsible for creating theme visual elements that are unique every year. Post-event, the Communications committee will also gather event feedback from attendees, because we are always looking to make next year’s event even better.
Jillian Kuhn Brown, Duke UniversityIsabel Valls, Duke University
The Entertainment committee is responsible for the prize games at TechExpo, including the prize wheel, raffles, and trivia and other games. This involves selecting and ordering t-shirts and all other prizes, working with the Communications committee obtain logo graphics for the prizes, and setting up and managing the prize wheel and games.
Dave Tremmel, Duke UniversityVanessa Weber, Medical Education IT
The Program Committee solicits for and reviews submitted session requests. The Program Committee participant will need to have a broad perspective on needs within the IT community at Duke, and will be decisive and diplomatic in reviewing proposals. They create the event program and maintain communication with presenters. When it’s time to select presentations, the Program Committee invites additional IT staff to create a larger review panel to finalize decisions.
Matt Royal, Duke UniversityBill Hansley, Duke Health
The Registration Committee is responsible for configuring the registration management system. This includes configuring the event website to show program information, attendance logistics, and participation guidance. This committee also handles attendee identification for on-site participation – e.g. on-site badge printing.
The Sponsor Committee identifies potential sponsors/vendors, procures billing, and keeps sponsors informed. We have 150+ vendors who have previously expressed interest in participating. Sponsors help to pay for the event, so this is a critical role. The Sponsor Committee will also coordinate the possibility of a sponsor presentation.
The Volunteer Committee has to determine all volunteer positions needed, coordinate a volunteer sign-up process, provide volunteers with instructions and how-to guides for the event, and setup a communication strategy for volunteers on the day of the event. Additional responsibilities may include setting up a volunteer room with all needed materials, virtual training sessions, or other needs for both in-person and virtual events.
Erik Helsley, Duke HealthPrasad Kommaraju, Duke Health