We know: It’s a little sad when all that remains of that big class reunion is a few streamers and some confetti on the gym floor.
TechExpo X was a grand event—great presentations, a keynote that hinted at future endeavors for our speaker and for Duke, the ever-present (and ever-popular) prize wheel, and registration so high we literally had to turn people away—giving us all a chance to reminisce about the amazing past 10 years of Duke IT. We on the planning committee had a blast, and we assume you did, too.
But it’s now time to pack away the prize wheel until next year’s party, take one last look at the photos before you put them in that show box on the top shelf in your closet, sweep up the confetti, and mark the calendar for next year’s event.
To those ends:
To see the interviews with past TechExpo chairs—both the short videos we saw at lunch, and an extended video with the complete interviews (make snacks before you start playing this one, folks)—visit https://warpwire.duke.edu/w/TawBAA/.
To see the photos taken during the day—including both our roving photographers and our green-screen photo booth—visit https://www.flickr.com/groups/3654455@N25/.
To see the keynote address by Robert M. Califf, M.D., and the presentation on Shibboleth by Rob Carter, Mary McGee and Shilen Patel, visit https://warpwire.duke.edu/w/h58BAA/. (Requires NetID authentication.)
About next year:
Mark your calendars for TechExpo 2018, which will occur on April 13, 2018.
Again next year, we will be at the Washington Duke Inn. We will have to cap attendance at 640 people, and we will require registration in advance—no walk-ins will be allowed. (When we call for registration sometime in 2018, we’ll explain how to cancel your registration if you are unable to attend, to make room for others to register in advance of the event.)
And finally, prizes:
The winners of the raffle prizes:
- John Carbuccia
- Kristen Eck
- Patti Gorgone
- Daniel Lewis
- Lusia Li
- Darin London
- Bruce Matheny
- Mary McGee
- David Morrison
The winner of the Tech Expo evaluation survey prize: Geetha Chandran