TechExpo 2016
Please bookmark to follow our announcements about the 2016 TechExpo.
Please bookmark to follow our announcements about the 2016 TechExpo.
We have made available two videos from the 2015 TechExpo Primtime session: CIO Briefing CIO Panel Discussion – The Real Tools of Innovation: Gender Diversity, Intercultural Awareness, and IT We have hosted this on Duke’s Warpwire and requires your NetID login to view. Enjoy!
People of IT Land! Tech Expo 2015 is behind us, but you still have an opportunity to participate. Yes, even if you didn’t attend Tech expo this year, you can give us feedback. And, whether you attended or not, you will be entered into a drawing for a Roku 3 if you complete a survey. […]
If so, you’ve come to the right place. We are encouraging our presenters to upload their slide presentations to the box site. If the presenter has uploaded his or her slides, you’ll find them here:
Most importantly, thank you, presenters, for taking the time to share your talents with the Duke community. We’ve already received and posted several slideshows submitted by our presenters this year. You can email your presentations to and we’ll share them with using our Box account.
Tech Expo 2015 is now squarely in our rearview mirrors. But before you turn the corner, look back one last time and complete a survey to help conference planners improve the event next year. The survey is anonymous, but if you choose to leave your name and contact information, you’ll have a chance to win […]
Thanks, everyone, for volunteering to help us Friday! Now then — send us your selfies!
Ellen DeGeneres took one silly selfie, and it made her a household name. (OK, so she was backstage at the Oscars. What’s your point?) We want to see Duke IT people, all smiling and celebratory, in selfies that we’re putting into a video for Tech Expo. Grab your team, stick your phone on the […]
The 2015 TechExpo schedule is now available here. Do note that this schedule is incomplete. We’ll be adding more information (such as Birds-of-a-Feather, or BoF information) soon.
TechExpo 2015 is a little over a week way – Friday, April 17, 2015 at the Washington Duke Inn. The TechExpo Chairs have been busy for the past couple of months planning and preparing for TechExpo 2015, but we can’t do it alone. We need volunteers to help on the day of the event. Want […]