PRESENTERS: Todd Stabley, Jolie Tingen, Elise Mueller
FORMAT: Presentation (topical discussion followed by questions)
OIT Media Technologies has spent the last several years addressing the problem of simple and secure video publishing for the Duke community. At the core, we wanted a service as easy to use as YouTube but with the ability to protect content based on Duke NetIDs and groups. Use cases include videos where copyright restrictions are involved, videos students post to their instructors as assignments, and videos that include private information such as job interviews or departmental meetings. We talked with dozens of companies, but realized in the end that we were looking for something that didn’t exist yet—a tool geared toward education that lives in the space between media asset management systems and YouTube-like corporate video portals, something a broad community of users can use to publish the same media asset anywhere—in Sakai, on a WordPress blog, or share by URL—and have it honor access restrictions in any of those places. We found a team of local programmers who built a product from the ground up, meeting most if not all of our specs, called Warpwire. Working closely with our partners in the Center for Instructional Technology, OIT Media Technologies is in the process of deploying it across Duke University and Duke Medicine this semester. In this session we’ll talk about our search for Warpwire, demonstrate how it works, share information about its deployment and how it is being used at Duke, and discuss current and planned features for this new service as it continues to grow in its use across campus.